Fresh & Healthy On The Move
Director's Dish
Growing up as the daughter of a minister, meals were a time when the whole family sat together and talked about the day. Everyone had their assigned seat and their role in the meal. Our mother would cook, the children would set the table, our father would say grace, and the children cleaned up. My unofficial role was “the complainer” of what was for dinner. I was a picky eater and incredibly strong-willed so my parents would ignore my complaints, and often, I would make it through dinner barely eating. [Read More...]
Community Partnerships
From converting parking lots into food distribution sites, to donating truckloads of food, or providing crucial grant funds, our partners are building stronger communities. [Ready More...]
Healthy Foods For All
Compared to this time last year, we have increased our distribution of fresh products by nearly 20%. [Read More...]
Community Focused
When we’ve had a bad day, a favorite food—something we may have grown up with or which holds fond memories of home and family—can make us feel better. [Read More...]
Fresh & Healthy : By The Pound