Rob Titone, with Friend-In-Deed, knew that the annual holiday assistance program’s 60th year had to be different. “This year, we focused our efforts on food because it is an important and basic human need,” said Rob. “The Foodbank is so professional at distributing food that it was nice to brainstorm with Pam to find the most efficient and effective way to help the most people this holiday season.”
Friend-In-Deed and Central Illinois Foodbank partnered with Nelson’s Catering of Central Illinois to create 2,500 holiday meals, which were delivered before Thanksgiving and Christmas to seniors at seven Springfield locations: Capitol Retirement Village, Bonansinga, Hildebrandt, Villas at Vinegar Hill, Senior Services, Sangamon Towers, and Park Tower.
“The pork chop was so tender, the food was all good, and it all meant so much to all of us,” said Shirley, an active resident at the Capitol Retirement Village.
Vicki Selvaggio, Professional Service Coordinator at Capitol Retirement Village, echoed Shirley’s sentiments. “The residents could feel the generosity, understanding, and compassion. You see, it’s more than a chicken, ham, or turkey meal — it’s hope.”